Top Python Libraries Used For Hacking|Shadow Cyber Security

Python is a popular choice among security professional and ethical hackers due to its versatility and extensive library of libraries that may be utilized to aid in ethical hacking.

As a hacker you may easily create your on ethical hacking tools to automate certain task using python.Ethical hacking also known as penetration testing is the technique of breaking into computers and devices lawfully in order to assess the security of computer programs, data and networks.

Hackers and cyber security professional utilize Python scripts to analyze malware and uncover vulnerabilities, though some use Python to develop exploit programs.

We will look at the top 10 Python libraries for ethical hacking or penetration testing:-


Scapy is a complete interactive packet manipulation tool written in Python by Philippe Biondi.It is strong interactive packet manipulation tool and library written in Python.

The tool is used to manipulate networks packets which aids in network discovery, tracing, probing, routing and scanning.


Socket API supports both connection oriented and connections network protocols.

The socket module defines how server and client machines can communicate at hardware level using socket endpoints on top of the operating system.

3.Beautiful Soup 4

Beautiful Soup is a Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents. It creates a parse tree for parsed pages that can be used to extract data from HTML, which is useful for web scraping.


This module makes HTTP requests more user friendly by including intuitive features like automated content decompression and decoding, connection timeouts, authentication and son on.

The Requests library is a fantastically useful and adaptable tool for developing Python programs that interface with online services.


pwntool includes a variety of useful tools for penetration testing, reversing engineering automation, developing exploits, fuzzing programs and more.

pwntools is a Python Based CTF framework and exploit development package. It is intended to aid in rapid prototyping and development.This allows users to quickly design exploit for CTF challenges.


Many hackers and penetration testers utilize impacket to create unique network based intrusion attacks such as man in the middle and session hijacking. It was created as an

internal testing tool but has evolved into a strong hacker's tool that may be used against networks.Used for interacting with network pro tools, the library focuses on supporting low level socket programming,TCP, and a variety of higher level protocols.


It is particularly notable for its broad support of SSL,IPv6 and a large number of protocols including the following:IRC,HTTP,NNTP,SMTP,POP3 and DNS.

Twisted is an event driven networking engine written in Python. It provides and abstraction of the TCP protocol that makes it easy to write network clients and servers.

This supports both synchronous and asynchronous networking paradigm.


It provides a higher level API to cryptographically strong algorithms such digital signatures as well as low level cryptographic building blocks optimized for performance.

This functionally is used in ethical hacking to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information shared on the internet.This bis a Python package that provides cryptographic recipes

and primitives.Encryption, hashing, random number generation, signatures and ciphers for block and stream ciphers are all included.

9 python-nmap

THis ia a python library that helps in using Nmap port scanner. Nmap is a networks administration and security auditing tool.It is typically used to discover hosts and services available on a networks, although it can also be used to examine a single host.

If offers rich set of features port scanning, host discovery and TCP fingerprinting. This library is s perfect tool for hackers and systems administration who want to automate network scanning tasks and reports.It also supports nmap script outputs.


Faker is a Python package that creates fictitious data. It can generate anything from fake texts, bibliography entries, XML documents and so on. Faker is extremely simple to use.

There are a number of reasons why you might want to use Faker.Perhaps you need to populate a database with fictitious data for a prototype or you want to remain anonymous online by using fictitious credentials or addresses.


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