What Is Log4Shell Vulnerability | Shadow Cyber Security


Log4Shell is a software vulnerability in Apache Log4j 2 a popular java library for logging error messages in applications. The vulnerability, published as CVE-2021-44228, enables a remote attacker to take control of a device on the internet if the device is running certain versions of Log4j 2.

What is the Log4j vulnerability issue?

The Log4j issue is a type of remote code execution vulnerability and a very serious one that allows an attacker to drop malware or ransomware on a target system.the can is turn lead to complete compromise of the network and the theft of sensitive information as well as the possibility of sabotage.

How serious is Log4j vulnerability?

Log4j is used worldwide across software applications and online services and the vulnerability requires very little expertise to exploit. This makes Log4 Shell potentially the most severe computer vulnerability in years.

Who created Log4Shell?

Before an official CVE identifier was made available on December 10th, 2021, the vulnerability circulated by the name "Log4Shell", given by Free Wortley of the LunaSec Team, was initially used to track the issue online. Apache gave Log4Shell a CVSS severity rating of 10, the highest available score.

Is Log4j the same as Log4Shell ?

Log4Shell is a software vulnerability in Apache Log4j, a popular Java library error messages in applications.

The vulnerability published as CVE 2021 44228, enables a remote attacker to take control of a device on the internet if the device is running certain version of Log4j 2.

Is Google affected by Log4j ?

December 20, 2021 update, Chronicle on Google Cloud does not use Log4j 2 and is not impacted by the issues identified in CVE 2021 44228 and CVE 2021 45046.

Who is impacted by Log4j vulnerability?

Representing a high risk and complex scenario for businesses, Apache Log4j vulnerability has impacted over 44% of corprate networks worldwide.

Google affected by Log4Shell ?

Android is not aware of any impact to the Android Platform or Enterprise. At this time, no update is required for this specific vulnerability but we encourage our customers to ensure that the latest security updates are applied to their devices.

What is the Log4Shell hack ?

Named Log4Shell the vulnerability could allow attackers to take control of affected servers, a situations that has already prompted hackers to scan for unpatched systems on which they can remotely run malicious code.

What is CrowdStrike sensor ?

CrowdStrike is an agent based sensor that can be installed on Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems for desktop or server platforms.These platforms rely on a cloud hosted SaaS solution, to manage policies, control reporting data, manage and respond to threats.

What is Microsoft Windows Support Diagnostic Tool ?

The Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool(MSDT) is a service in Microsoft Windows that allows Microsoft technical support agents to analyze diagnostic data remotely for troubleshooting purposes.

What is Log4j simple words ?

Log4j is an open source project based on the work of many authors. It allows the developer to control which log statements are output with arbitrary granularity. It is fully configurable at runtime using external configuration files.

What is the solution for Log4j vulnerability ?

The most common way to fix a vulnerability is to install a system update or an application patch. The Log4j team has released an upgrade, called Apache Log4j 2, promising to fix existing issues in Logback's architecture.

Can Log4j affect Windows ?

Natively, Windows is not vulnerability to the Log4j exploit, so don't look for evidence of the attack in your Windows event logs. Look for this in applications that you have purchased or developed as that is typically where Log4j logging routine are located.

Conclusion :-

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