Top Vulnerable Website For Practice Your Hacking Skill| Shadow Cyber Security

The risk of getting hacked. So, it should come as no surprise that InfoSec skills are becoming more important and more in demand. No matter if you're a beginner or an expert,noir if you're security manager, pentester or auditor,they say the best defense is a good offense and it's no different your hacking skills, legally.

They say the best defense is a good offense and it's no different in the InfoSec world. Here's our updated list of 10 sites to practice your hacking skills so you can be the best defender you can, whether you're a developer, auditor, security manager or pen tester.

1. WebGoat

This insecure app provides a realistic teaching and learning environment with lessons designed to teach users about complex application security issues.WebGoat is aimed for developers looking to learn more about web app security.The name WebGoat is a  scapegoat reference."Even the best programmers make security errors. What they need is a scapegoat, right? blame it on the Goat"

2. Vicnum

An OWASP project, Vicnum is a series of basic and obviously web apps based on games "commonly used to kill time".Because of their simple frameworks, the applications can b be tailored for different needs, making Vicnum a great choice for security managers looking to help teach developer AppSec in a fun way.

3. Try2Hack

The game features diverse levels which are sorted by difficulty all created to practice hacking for your entertainment.There is an IRC channel for beginners where you can join the community and ask for help, in addition to a full walkthrough based on GitHub.Created by and considered one of the oldest challenge sites still around,Try2Hack offers multiple security challenges.

4. OverTheWire

OverTheWire is great for developer and security professional os all experience levels to learn and practice security concepts. Beginners should start with "Bandit",where the basics are taught and will progress to higher levels and to advanced games all with more complex bugs and exploits to patch as you go.

5. Hellbound Hackers

Hellbound Hackers the hands on approach to computer security, offers a wide array of challenges with the aim to teach hoe to identify exploit and suggest the code to patch it and Hellbound Hackers really is the ultimate site for hacking tutorials, covering a large range of topics fr penom encryption and application cracking to social engineering and rooting.

6.McAfee HacMe sites

A practice within McAfee's professional services, launched a series of sites nin 2006 aimed for pen testers and security professional looking to increase their InfoSec chops.

Each simulated app offers a "real world" experience, built with "real world" vulnerabilities.

7. HackThis

This is designed to teach how hacks, dumps and defacement are done and how you can secure your website against hackers.This offers over 50 levels with various difficulty levels, in addition to a lively and active online commonly making this a great source of hacking security news and articles.

8. Google Gruyere

This "cheesy" vulnerable site is full of holes and aimed for those just starting to learn application security. Gruyere has multiple security nugs ranging from cross site scripting and across site request forgery to information disclosure, denial of service and remote code execution, the website stated.

This offers opportunities for both black box and white box testing so "hackers" have the chance to play on both sides of the fence.

9. Game of Hacks

This one isn't exactly a vulnerable web app but it's another engaging way of learning to spot application security vulnerabilities so we thought we'd throw it in.ore enticing.

It's up to you to figure it out before the clock runs out. A leaderboard makes Game of hacks just that much more enticing.

10. Damn Vulnerable iOS App 

Recently re-released as a free download by InfoSec Engineer @prateekg147, DVIA was built as an especially insecure mobile app for iOS 7 and above.

For mobile app developers the platform is especially  helpful, because while there are numerous sites, because while there are numerous sites to practice hacking web applications that can be legally hacked are much harder to come by.


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