What Is The IP Address? | Shadow Cyber Security

A unique string of character that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.An Internet Protocol is a numerical label such as that is connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

All the computers of the world on the Internet network communicate with each other with underground or underwater cables or wirelessly. If want to download a file from the internet or load a web page or literally do anything related to the internet, my computer must have an address so that other computers can find and locate mine in order to deliver that particular file or webpage.

-Types of IP Address

IP Address is of two types:

1. IPv4:Internet Protocol version 4.It consists of 4 numbers separated by the dots.

2. IPv6:there is a problem with the IPv4 address with IPv4, we can connect only the above number of 4 billion devices uniquely and apparently there are much more devices in the world to be connected to the internet.

- Classification of IP Address

An IP address is classifies into the following types:

1. Private IP Address:This is an internet address of your device which are not routed to the internet and no exchange of data can take place between a private address and the internet.

A private IP is set by your internet service provider and can be found on your router.


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2. Public IP Address:This address is available publicity and it is assigned by your network provider to your router, which further divides it into your devices.

3. Shared IP Address: Many websites use shared IP addresses where the traffic is not huge and very much controllable, they decide to rent it to other similar websites so to makke it cost friendly.

4. Dedicated IP addresses:

A dedicated IP Address is an address used by a single company or an individual which gives them certain benefits using a private secure sockets layer certificate which is not in the case of a shared IP address.our 

-Protocols are Protocols 

To make sure you can do your thing on the internet, your computer's networking software is hardware to follow a list of built in networking standards and rules to connect to internet and to swap information and dara back and forth.It attaches an "electronic return address" to all your online requests and activity for you. The address\addresses it uses is the IP address for your connection.


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-IP Addresses and Domain Names

Humans are more comfortable with names than numbers.The internet's Domain Name System is like a phone book. When you type a domain, it automatically looks up the number the IP address, and connects you to the website.What's interesting is that your WordPress site doesn't know its Ip address, just the URL. That makes it easier to switch to a new hosting provider, where your website's URL is likely to change.

- Dynamic and Static IP Addresses

Most internet users have a dynamic IP address that automatically changes from time to time. This is better for internet service providers that need to deal with customers joining and leaving the service and changing address.

Most websites have a static IP address that does't change. This is important because the DNS system uses your website's IP address when someone navigates to your site or sends you and email.

- How do IP addresses work?

Internet Protocol or IP runs the same manner as other languages, i.e,applying the set guidelines to communicate the information. All devices obtain, send and pass information with other associated devices with the help of this protocol only, by using the same language, the computers placed anywhere can communicate with one another.


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