What Is URL How Does It Work? | Shadow Cyber Security

A URL(Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the internet. It is also referred to as a web address. URLs consist of multiple parts,

including a protocol and domain name, that tell a web browser how and where to retrieve a resource.

The URL contains the name of the protocol needed to access a resource, as well as a resource name. The first part of a URL identifier what protocol to use as the primary access medium. The second part identifies the IP address or domain name and possibly subdomain, where the resource is located.

Importance of a URL design

URLs can only be sent over the internet suing the ASCII character set. Because URL often contain non-ASCII characters, the URL must be converted into a valid ASCII format. URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a % followed by two hexadecimal digits URLs cannot contains spaces.

URL stands for uniform Resource Locator. At its core, a URL is a uniform set of directions that can be understood across a variety of platforms and points to a resource.

1.The protocol

Protocol is the method by which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet.This is key for your safety. If a website requesting your credit card isn't https strongly recommend backing away and making your purchase in a different location.

2.Root Domain

As you can see in the broken down URL above, this is the main identifier of the site and probably the thing the majority of people have the most experience with always remember to check your spelling to ensure the legitimacy of a website.


Subdomain are extension of a website's domain. A subdomain is used to logically divide a website into high level categories. A company who has multiple websites for multiple countries may take advantage of this.

4.Top Level Domain

This is the last segment of the domain name. This identifies something about the website associated with it, such as its purpose, the organisation that owns it, or the geographical area where it originates. There are also generic , that are not location or organisation specific.


The subfolder or category request is a request to the website to provide a specific category or type of page.


This part of the URL is selecting a specific file or individual page from the website.


As an Inbound Marketer this part of the URL is my favorite. Parameters are used to display a web page in a certain way based on an individual user. More commonly they can be used to track a user's steps and flow through a site.This tracking is used to score leads, find issues with website flow and gain a better understanding of how any given site is being used.

What Does URL stand For?

URL is an acronym that stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Using the compromise of physical postal addresses to URL is a great way to visually understand a process and concept that cannot be seen by the human eye.

They key portion of a URL address is the domain name. The domain name is the location or server where the website is being hosted.

All those commercials that shows how easy it is to create a website are web hosting companies.If a person uses their hosting service, that is where the website will live.

A URL is in a category called URLs or Universal Resource Identifies which point a computer ot the location of a resource on a network.


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